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your spa vacation

Since the last century numerous scientific studies have been carried out on the effectiveness of Comano water and at the moment there are ongoing cutting-edge studies with the latest generation technologies, in collaboration with important research centers.
The spa hosts thousands of people who suffer from dermatitis, psoriasis or eczema every year, for this reason it is possible to have useful advice from the spa doctors, but also to meet and compare with other people who are experiencing their own experience.

This is also possible during the numerous information meetings offered by the Terme di Comano , during which the mechanisms underlying   psoriasis or atopic dermatitis , the different therapies available are illustrated, but above all the lifestyles and behaviors that can help better manage their pathology and improve their quality of life.

The spa holiday is also an opportunity to disconnect from the stress of everyday life, relax, recharge, take care of yourself. This is why we recommend you enjoy the time you will spend with us: ask us for advice on activities and places to visit , have fun with our entertainers, abandon yourself to relaxation in our SPA , dance and let loose in our disco , savor the culinary masterpieces of our chef.

Commit to enjoy life and let yourself be pampered!

Questo è possibile anche durante i numerosi incontri informativi offerti dalle Terme di Comano, durante i quali vengono spiegati i meccanismi alla base di psoriasi dermatite atopica, vengono illustrate le diverse terapie disponibili, ma soprattutto gli stili di vita e i comportamenti che possono aiutare a gestire meglio la propria patologia e a migliorare la propria qualità di vita.

La vacanza termale è anche un'occasione per staccare dallo stress della vita quotidiana, rilassarsi, ricaricarsi, prendersi cura di sé stessi. Per questo ti raccomandiamo goderti il tempo che passerai con noi: chiedici consigli sulle attività e i luoghi da visitare, divertiti con i nostri animatori, abbandonati al relax nella nostra SPA, balla e scatenati nella nostra discoteca, assapora i capolavori culinari del nostro chef. Impegnati a goderti la vita e lasciati coccolare!

Terme di Comano
cura idropinica terme di comano

spa treatments

On the first day of treatment, the spa doctor defines a customized therapy for each patient: one or two thermal baths per day for a maximum duration of 20 minutes.

In some cases, additional treatments may also be indicated ( phototherapy , hydropinic treatment ,   whirlpools, inhalation treatments ).

To have good results you need at least 10-12 days of stay , carrying out the spa treatments every day, even on Sunday.

Spa treatments can also be performed by children , starting from the eighth month of life.

The treatment has an agreement with the National Health Service which grants, once a year, 12 thermal baths and a medical examination for admission to treatment. Simply submit a correctly filled out GP's prescription directly to the spa .

The water of Comano , thanks to its particular composition, is also indicated for the treatment of the upper respiratory tract , in particular of the most sensitive subjects such as children and people suffering from allergies. Also in this case, the treatment has an agreement and it is mandatory to carry out the medical examination for admission to the treatments with a thermal doctor.

practical advice

The thermal baths take place in a single tub and a single cabin, in total privacy.

It is not necessary to bring anything from home: towels are provided by the Spa .
On the other hand, it may be useful to have your medical documentation with you (visits, tests, therapies performed or in progress), to give the spa doctor all the useful information

to set up a targeted spa treatment.

Medical visits and spa treatments are carried out every day, even on Sundays, so it is possible to start and carry out the treatments any day of the week.

The booking of the initial visit is mandatory and can be done by contacting the spa directly on 0465 701277 , or by filling in the appropriate online booking form.

From our hotel you can reach the spa on foot, through a pleasant walk in the spa park.
We also offer a free shuttle service at different times.

Cure e trattamenti alle Terme di Comano: scopri di più

L'acqua termale di Comano è un “farmaco” naturale privo di controindicazioni ed effetti collaterali, nota in tutta Europa per le sue proprietà curative. È indicata per il trattamento della dermatite, garantendo risultati duraturi nel tempo, così come la cura termale rappresenta una soluzione naturale per la psoriasi.

Oltre a garantire un'azione diuretica e depurativa, respirata sotto forma di vapore, è indicata per la cura e la prevenzione dei disturbi delle alte e basse vie aeree, anche croniche, come sinusiti, riniti allergiche e bronchiti. L’acqua delle Terme di Comano è un’acqua da bere, respirare e in cui immergerti per depurarti, stimolare il sistema immunitario e prenderti cura della pelle.

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Hotel Angelo is in Comano Terme

Piazza Marconi, 6

38077, TN /

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